mobalby: Exploring Gamla Stan (the Old Town)
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mobalby: A lovely little garden
mobalby: Eric NOT so enjoying the bumpy ride
mobalby: Down a little alley
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mobalby: A German church, Tyska Kyrkan
mobalby: The gate of Tyska Kyrkan
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mobalby: Along Västerlånggatan, a street crammed with souvenir shops and tourists
mobalby: The opposite of the same street
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mobalby: Eric lounging in his stroller
mobalby: A local ;p
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mobalby: Köpmantorget, a small square where there's a statue of St. George and the Dragon
mobalby: Exploring a tunnel
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mobalby: Eric racing to catch up
mobalby: In the Stortorget square where there was live music
mobalby: Nobelmuseet ( The Nobel Museum )
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mobalby: Stopping for a little drink
mobalby: So relaxed
mobalby: Our drinks - spiced white chocolate (right) and a moccachino
mobalby: Albert's moccachino
mobalby: Julia tasting her drink