mobalby: Eric ready for bed, with his Nounours in hand...
mobalby: Going for a walk
mobalby: Among the fallen leaves
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mobalby: I think Eric is a little too warm...
mobalby: Eric the KungFu master!
mobalby: Kneeling pose
mobalby: Sitting in meditation
mobalby: The deathly stare...
mobalby: Drunken master...
mobalby: Semi-Eagle pose...
mobalby: Playing with Papa
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mobalby: Happy Papa...
mobalby: Lounging in front of the fireplace
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mobalby: With Papou and Mamou :p
mobalby: A family picture
mobalby: Pouty Petit Eric
mobalby: Maman! You need to cut my hair...
mobalby: Enjoying the view!
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mobalby: Eric with his pumpkin!
mobalby: Eric in his hoodie - I love this jacket! Unfortunately he has almost outgrown it...
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mobalby: With Maman
mobalby: Bright sunny day!
mobalby: Maman Toni
mobalby: Under the arbor