mobalby: Playing in LAX
mobalby: In the Keflavik Airport in Reykjavik, Iceland
mobalby: In the Keflavik Airport in Reykjavik, Iceland
mobalby: Tired Papa and Dazed Eric
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mobalby: Finally in Paris - ready for a good sleep!
mobalby: Dinner, Anyone?
mobalby: Eric all ready to tour Paris
mobalby: Eric at La Gentillerie
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mobalby: Tom and Virginia Suivre - friends from Baton Rouge
mobalby: The men chatting away
mobalby: Jacqueline, wife of Jacques, Marraine and Virginia in the kitchen
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mobalby: Albert being silly with Eric
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mobalby: Eric and Tom
mobalby: Eric in front of La Gentillerie
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mobalby: Us in front of La Gentillerie
mobalby: Papa with Eric
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mobalby: The two cousins - Thibault and Eric
mobalby: Albert and Eric at the plaza in Reims
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mobalby: Albert and Eric in a shoe shop
mobalby: The two proud fathers with their wonderful sons!
mobalby: All of us at the plaza in Reims