mobalby: Waiting for our flight in LAX
mobalby: Eric fascinated by the many people
mobalby: Playing with Maman
mobalby: Eric having fun on the plane
mobalby: What's happening across the aisle?
mobalby: Enjoying the plane ride so far...
mobalby: Playing with Papa
mobalby: IMG_4232.JPG
mobalby: Still happy...
mobalby: Lulled to sleep by the white noise
mobalby: Petit Eric still sleeping as we landed in Manchester
mobalby: Papie Eric meeting Petit Eric
mobalby: PA270001.JPG
mobalby: The Drouart men!
mobalby: IMG_4243.JPG
mobalby: Petit Eric with Mamie and Papie
mobalby: Snuggling up to Papie
mobalby: So much love from Mamie
mobalby: PA270008.JPG
mobalby: Tired after a long day
mobalby: PA280032.JPG
mobalby: Breakfast with Papie and Mamie
mobalby: A kiss from Mamie
mobalby: PA280028.JPG
mobalby: Look at me in my cosy!
mobalby: In Mamie's arms
mobalby: PA280017.JPG
mobalby: PA280018.JPG
mobalby: It's too early for pictures!