mobalby: On our way to the National Park!
mobalby: On our way to the National Park
mobalby: Crossing the bridge over the Kaweah River
mobalby: The Kaweah River
mobalby: Along the way, on Generals Highway
mobalby: The Sequoia National Park
mobalby: Moro Rock in the distance
mobalby: IMG_1646.jpg
mobalby: An interesting formation - Tunnel Rock
mobalby: Close up of Tunnel Rock
mobalby: Enjoying the lovely landscape and beautiful weather!
mobalby: Albert relaxing after a good lunch!
mobalby: Castle Rock surrounded by clouds
mobalby: Julia with one of the "Giants"
mobalby: What an amazing tree!
mobalby: Can we both fit?
mobalby: A different perspective...
mobalby: Interesting! Two "trees" from one trunk
mobalby: The trail leading to the largest living thing (by volume) in the world!
mobalby: General Sherman!
mobalby: Some information on General Sherman
mobalby: Albert in front of the second largest branch of General Sherman
mobalby: IMG_1678.jpg
mobalby: Can you spot Julia in the picture?
mobalby: Where we stayed the night before moving on to Lake Tahoe
mobalby: Squaw Valley Motel - main office
mobalby: Our room - No. 5
mobalby: Our cute little room!