moacirpdsp: Dolmen in Meudon
moacirpdsp: Observatoire
moacirpdsp: France in February
moacirpdsp: Happy birthday!
moacirpdsp: I hate flash
moacirpdsp: Looking up Brassens lyrics
moacirpdsp: Singing along
moacirpdsp: Brassens send-off
moacirpdsp: Probably going on about how dope the iPad is
moacirpdsp: Waiting to play
moacirpdsp: Out comes the rhythm section
moacirpdsp: Lots of instruments
moacirpdsp: Julien sight reads a choro
moacirpdsp: I think I’m about to play a G6
moacirpdsp: Drumming along
moacirpdsp: Duet
moacirpdsp: Sharing percussion techniques
moacirpdsp: Soft touch on the tambourine
moacirpdsp: Different duet
moacirpdsp: Closing out the percussion