moacirpdsp: A little booze before Vélib’in’
moacirpdsp: Point zero des routes de France
moacirpdsp: Friendly policemen!
moacirpdsp: The Royal Canadian
moacirpdsp: Apparently there’s a hump between high school and college
moacirpdsp: English Street
moacirpdsp: I may eat here some day
moacirpdsp: Your car, it got towed!
moacirpdsp: Québec place!
moacirpdsp: Inviting us to Meet... James... Ensor...
moacirpdsp: Kind of the most important painting of the 19th century
moacirpdsp: “Olympia” from the left
moacirpdsp: “Olympia” from the right
moacirpdsp: Musée d’Orsay
moacirpdsp: “Orientalisme”
moacirpdsp: Poor communards
moacirpdsp: What art turned into after “Olympia”
moacirpdsp: Opéra Garnier in miniature
moacirpdsp: Auksė breaks some art
moacirpdsp: Polar bear!
moacirpdsp: Offensive graffiti on the RER C
moacirpdsp: Rainy, boring Versailles
moacirpdsp: Party on rue Rivoli
moacirpdsp: Я тебя люблю
moacirpdsp: Aš tave myliu
moacirpdsp: À Lacan ses lacunes
moacirpdsp: Peace monument, école militaire
moacirpdsp: Peaceful Paris
moacirpdsp: Galerie de Port-Mahon
moacirpdsp: Arrête! C’est ici l’empire de la mort