moacirpdsp: Some Movi Star building
moacirpdsp: Bootleggers selling legit wares for less
moacirpdsp: Get the kids involved!
moacirpdsp: The Camp Nou chapel
moacirpdsp: Senyor ha fet en mi meravelles
moacirpdsp: More than just a club
moacirpdsp: There were a lot of people taking the tour
moacirpdsp: €13 they all paid to walk around
moacirpdsp: Més que un club!
moacirpdsp: The view from Camp Nou
moacirpdsp: The view again
moacirpdsp: The press box
moacirpdsp: Old foosball table
moacirpdsp: Another foosball table
moacirpdsp: Barça chips
moacirpdsp: Potential presents
moacirpdsp: Barça dog gifts
moacirpdsp: Outside the stadium
moacirpdsp: Encouragement
moacirpdsp: A building nearby
moacirpdsp: La mejor red en Europa del Este desde el KGB
moacirpdsp: Swimming pools by El Prat
moacirpdsp: In the distance, a Miró
moacirpdsp: Russian in El Prat
moacirpdsp: Gentrification in Vallcarca
moacirpdsp: Acabem amb la dictadura democratica!
moacirpdsp: Barcelona from Parc Güell
moacirpdsp: Ciutat vella
moacirpdsp: Okupa y resiste
moacirpdsp: Sunset