MO-A: the new adventure start...
MO-A: Mum wait for me
MO-A: let me carry you on my back
MO-A: watch your step...
MO-A: Maybe we can buy ice here
MO-A: look at that... Iron man
MO-A: It is not me...I did not push over it
MO-A: Mum.....there is a sign...
MO-A: I thought only for human
MO-A: Mum can we find ice in this big guy
MO-A: oh shows franked mail only
MO-A: why we suddenly come back
MO-A: but we have not got ice
MO-A: Bye bye Kingston
MO-A: DSC_6126
MO-A: DSC_6191
MO-A: DSC_6196
MO-A: DSC_6209
MO-A: DSC_6210
MO-A: DSC_6266
MO-A: DSC_6267
MO-A: DSC_6283
MO-A: DSC_6287