Towey: Lasers!
Towey: Lasers!
Towey: Canopy Outline
Towey: Good Advice
Towey: Trailing edge
Towey: Canopy Cutout
Towey: The shell is slain
Towey: Hole in the Car!
Towey: Inside the shell
Towey: Creative arrangement
Towey: Chassis Guts
Towey: Chassis Dry Fit
Towey: Seamline & Trailing edge
Towey: Seamline Layup
Towey: Glue Bazooka
Towey: Chassis: Glued
Towey: Glue Bead
Towey: Hinge Location
Towey: Storage Unit... or Chassis?
Towey: Chassis Prep Work
Towey: I thought we were done with this?
Towey: EE design work
Towey: Does it fit yet?
Towey: Not for Medicinal Purposes
Towey: Fiberglass Hands
Towey: Vacuum!
Towey: Which one is the impostor?
Towey: Windshield Mold
Towey: Temporary Array Stand
Towey: Temporary Array Stand