MNO_OMG: Club Soda and Apple Nectar #circlesinsquares #costarica
MNO_OMG: Frozen Pineapple + Frozen Strawberry + Frozen Papaya + Apple Nectar + Water = Post Yoga Smooth. #costarica #farmlife, #inyourmouth, #downthehatch, #bottomsup. #oneforme, #noneforyou
MNO_OMG: Plantain + Kale + Apple + Avocado + Frozen Pineapple + Chard + Ice + Water "Hulk smash!" #morning #medicine, #costarica #farmlife
MNO_OMG: Bananas + Frozen Moras + Frozen Papaya + Peach Nectar + Oats x Blender. Woke up in a grand mood. Hoping to keep it going. #costarica #morning, #lessismore #moreismore #moreisless #batido
MNO_OMG: A Cry for Help. An icy, delicious cry for help. Frozen Watermelon + Agua de Pipa + Coconut Rum + Fresh Farm Mint "Loosin to boozin..." #costarica #farmlife
MNO_OMG: frozen plantain + frozen pineapple + cinnamon, blended
MNO_OMG: bananas + frozen strawberries + frozen papaya + peach nectar, blended #allfruit #mountain #morning, #costarica #farmlife, #farmfuel
MNO_OMG: Batido: passion fruit (seeds and juice), apple, frozen banana, and pineapple. #costarica #mornings. #farmlife.
MNO_OMG: Batido: frozen bananas, grapes, and moras with milk and topa dulce. #costarica #mornings. #farmlife
MNO_OMG: Cucumber Smoothie: cucumber, pineapple, milk, yogurt, ice, mint leaves, honey. Perfect for keeping your cool when life gets hot hot hot. "Chiggidy chig chig check yo'self befo' you wreck ya self." #costarica #farmlife #mountainpeeps #thingsweeat, #beverag
MNO_OMG: WATERMELON + MILK + ICE + MINT. A frothy and refreshing treat. RECIPE: blend equal parts #frozen #watermelon and #milk (1.5 cups each), with 4 fresh #mint leaves---garnish with additional mint. #costarica #farmlife #bottomsup #downthehatch
MNO_OMG: Pear Nectar, Frozen Guanabana, Mint. Looks suspicious, but it's 100% delicious. #costarica #batido
MNO_OMG: Coconut Water, Frozen Watermelon, Mint. Mind-numbingly refreshing. #costarica #batido
MNO_OMG: Frozen Papaya, Chilled Plum, Coconut Water and Milk. #costarica #batido
MNO_OMG: Frozen Papaya, Frozen Naranjilla*, and Milk---blended. "Looks like Q-Bert, tastes like sherbet." *Naranjilla has the punchy flavor and taste of sour patch candies...balanced well by the papaya. #costarica #batido, #farmlife .
MNO_OMG: Frozen Plums, Yogurt, Pear Nectar. "Tart & Smart." #costarica #smoothie
MNO_OMG: Pink Chill / Burgundy Breeze. Watermelon + Frozen Red Grapes + Coconut Water #costarica #farmlife
MNO_OMG: Batido. 2 Bananas + 1/2 of a Mango + 6 Frozen Strawberries + Blender: creamy and delicious. This yields entirely too much for one person. I need to learn to cut back on the volume or freeze the leftovers in ice cube trays.
MNO_OMG: Coconut Water + Club Soda #costarica #farmlife, #refreshment
MNO_OMG: Bananas + Apples + Pears + Frozen Papaya + Pear Nectar, blended. #AM #yum, #costarica #farmlife