Tea Wells: Here's lookin' at you kid!
Tea Wells: Yes? May I help you?
Tea Wells: ~HBW~
Tea Wells: Big Red
Tea Wells: Deep Thought
Tea Wells: Regal Red
Tea Wells: Big Red
Tea Wells: nom nom nom nom nom yum
Tea Wells: Waiting patiently for my Thanksgiving feast
Tea Wells: Peek-a-boo I see you...and you see me!
Tea Wells: "This is my good side, hurry, take it"
Tea Wells: Well honey, we can go that way AND this way!... we're free!
Tea Wells: I'm just a hunka' hunka' burnin' love
Tea Wells: I Spy 5 Cardinals...and 1 itty bitty sparrow!
Tea Wells: Camera: $650.00 Birdseed: $4.59 Close-up shot of a Male Cardinal: Priceless!
Tea Wells: ~Christmas Cardinal~
Tea Wells: Oh heavens, just jump honey!...Please..give me a moment...
Tea Wells: Sitting Pretty
Tea Wells: ~Goals are achieved one day at a time~
Tea Wells: The Cardinals Win again!
Tea Wells: ~Fat and Sassy~
Tea Wells: A watchful eye
Tea Wells: Where did she go?
Tea Wells: I'm holding my breath for this pose :)
Tea Wells: "Who's Don King?" ha!
Tea Wells: ~A Walk in The Woods~
Tea Wells: After seeing all the cardinals on flickr today, thought I should post one too for the big game!
Tea Wells: ~Lovers Lane~Double Date~
Tea Wells: I'm here! Let's get this party started!!!!
Tea Wells: This Day in History, 2/12/1973