mnlrs: Starting out
mnlrs: Lake Te Anau from Broad Bay Beach
mnlrs: Peek-a-boo view on the way up
mnlrs: Aaron admires the limestone cliffs
mnlrs: skirting around the rock
mnlrs: Treeline!
mnlrs: Views across the tussocks
mnlrs: Looking down at Lake Te Anau
mnlrs: Mt Luxmore in the distance
mnlrs: Aaron on the trail
mnlrs: Luxmore Hut!
mnlrs: view from the hut
mnlrs: descending into the caves
mnlrs: Cave entry 1
mnlrs: Cave Entry 2
mnlrs: Looking down on Luxmore Hut
mnlrs: Self Portrait in Al's rockstar sunnies
mnlrs: Evening at the hut
mnlrs: Christmas Eve Burrito Feast!
mnlrs: Moon from Luxmore
mnlrs: Christmas Eve Whiskey on the helipad
mnlrs: Christmas Eve-- Silent Night
mnlrs: Christmas at Luxmore Hut
mnlrs: Christmas Eve from Luxmore
mnlrs: Christmas Morning Sunrise from Luxmore Hut
mnlrs: Starting out on Christmas Day
mnlrs: Looking back at Luxmore
mnlrs: across the tusocks
mnlrs: Lake Te Anau
mnlrs: Aaron-- the NZ bandit