MNicoleM: We went to the star lab!
MNicoleM: Field Day 2012
MNicoleM: inside the star lab
MNicoleM: IMG_2456
MNicoleM: waiting on the busses to arrive
MNicoleM: Ashley Jane
MNicoleM: IMG_2501
MNicoleM: Jane
MNicoleM: C and A
MNicoleM: my class
MNicoleM: 10 sets of 10 make 100
MNicoleM: sam josh tools
MNicoleM: tug o' war
MNicoleM: WalMart2
MNicoleM: Yes I Can Holiday performance-42
MNicoleM: tickles
MNicoleM: finally the end of a hard day
MNicoleM: today was pajama day
MNicoleM: jane
MNicoleM: First Thanksgiving foods
MNicoleM: Georgia, Cassie and Mrs. Pfefferle @ PetSmart
MNicoleM: giddy
MNicoleM: Yes I Can Holiday performance-104
MNicoleM: A playing with playdough
MNicoleM: just plain super
MNicoleM: walking
MNicoleM: Clilfford-12
MNicoleM: Mrs Pfefferle, Georgia and Cassie looking at the birds @ PetSmart
MNicoleM: Tyler and Mrs. Pfefferle on the bus
MNicoleM: class in the gazebo