MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: Sam pictures
MNicoleM: Sam light
MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: where did Sam go?
MNicoleM: there's sam!
MNicoleM: Sam and Seth
MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: Sam in a pea pod
MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: Sam at Special Olympics
MNicoleM: 042
MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: Sam
MNicoleM: Christmas photos, take one
MNicoleM: sam & santa
MNicoleM: Christmas pictures take two
MNicoleM: sam gingerbread
MNicoleM: sam josh tools
MNicoleM: the mirror reflected the light up to the ceiling
MNicoleM: Sam at the computer
MNicoleM: Sam magnets
MNicoleM: Sam Vday treats
MNicoleM: didn't want to wear the hat
MNicoleM: Sam medals
MNicoleM: Sam softball throw2
MNicoleM: Sam softball throw3
MNicoleM: Sam's medal
MNicoleM: Sam long jump