MNicoleM: queen of interpretive dance
MNicoleM: do you mind?
MNicoleM: Jackson and Faith
MNicoleM: Buffers
MNicoleM: Susan and Hershey2
MNicoleM: nice catch
MNicoleM: waiting for Chris2
MNicoleM: Susan's new tutor
MNicoleM: chillin' on the hammock
MNicoleM: Buffy and Susan
MNicoleM: fetch with Susan
MNicoleM: Soleil's Easter basket
MNicoleM: wanna play?
MNicoleM: Faith and daddy at the park
MNicoleM: night night baby bird
MNicoleM: more carrot
MNicoleM: eating Santa's hat
MNicoleM: Christmas pups
MNicoleM: happy family
MNicoleM: mommy and buffy
MNicoleM: fetch!
MNicoleM: nummy
MNicoleM: Jackson learning how to play fetch
MNicoleM: fetch
MNicoleM: Harrison throw
MNicoleM: Buffy and Daddy
MNicoleM: backyard puppies - Buffy and Faith, 52 weeks of pets, week 3
MNicoleM: Faith
MNicoleM: anticipation
MNicoleM: Faith's new toy