The Guillotine: Paynesville Invite Individual Champions. Front row: Jamison Meagher, Roman Roberg,Landon Hinchcliff, Mason McNab, Tate Olson, Jose De Los Santos, and Jack Major. Back row: Brandon Hess,Cael Olson, Nathan Soldner, Peyton Hemmesch, Jack Hanson and Grady Min
The Guillotine: Paynesville Invite 1st Place: Paynesville Bulldogs
The Guillotine: 240112Paynesville-tm2
The Guillotine: Paynesville Invite Tournament Trainer Dr. Caitlyn Jungels
The Guillotine: Paynesville Invite Track Wrestling Mardi Piepenburg
The Guillotine: Paynesville Invite Announcer Ron Fuchs