The Guillotine:
197: Cole Hennen (SMSU) wins a 7-3 decision vs Dylan Butts (MSU) | 3-0 SMSU - 190125mke-0001
The Guillotine:
197: Cole Hennen (SMSU) wins a 7-3 decision vs Dylan Butts (MSU) | 3-0 SMSU - 190125mke-0005
The Guillotine:
285: Andrew Peterson (SMSU) wins a 4-3 decision vs Logan Linderbaum (MSU) | 6-0 SMSU - 190125mke-0006
The Guillotine:
285: Andrew Peterson (SMSU) wins a 4-3 decision vs Logan Linderbaum (MSU) | 6-0 SMSU - 190125mke-0016
The Guillotine:
125: Andrew McFall (MSU) wins a 4-1 decision vs Ben Emrich (SMSU) | 6-3 SMSU - 190125mke-0019
The Guillotine:
125: Andrew McFall (MSU) wins a 4-1 decision vs Ben Emrich (SMSU) | 6-3 SMSU - 190125mke-0032
The Guillotine:
133: George Farmah (MSU) wins a 7-2 decision vs Brock Buysse (SMSU) | 6-6 - 190125mke-0038
The Guillotine:
133: George Farmah (MSU) wins a 7-2 decision vs Brock Buysse (SMSU) | 6-6 - 190125mke-0039
The Guillotine:
141: Loiue Sanders (MSU) wins a 5-4 decision vs Jordan Biehn (SMSU) | 9-6 MSU - 190125mke-0049
The Guillotine:
141: Loiue Sanders (MSU) wins a 5-4 decision vs Jordan Biehn (SMSU) | 9-6 MSU - 190125mke-0051
The Guillotine:
141: Loiue Sanders (MSU) wins a 5-4 decision vs Jordan Biehn (SMSU) | 9-6 MSU - 190125mke-0052
The Guillotine:
141: Loiue Sanders (MSU) wins a 5-4 decision vs Jordan Biehn (SMSU) | 9-6 MSU - 190125mke-0055
The Guillotine:
141: Loiue Sanders (MSU) wins a 5-4 decision vs Jordan Biehn (SMSU) | 9-6 MSU - 190125mke-0059
The Guillotine:
149: Kyle Rathman (MSU) wins an 11-3 major decision vs Justin Haneke (SMSU) | 13-6 - 190125mke-0060
The Guillotine:
149: Kyle Rathman (MSU) wins an 11-3 major decision vs Justin Haneke (SMSU) | 13-6 - 190125mke-0062
The Guillotine:
157: Cortez Arredondon (SMSU) wins a 3-1 decision vs Daniel Close (MSU) | 13-9 MSU - 190125mke-0066
The Guillotine:
157: Cortez Arredondon (SMSU) wins a 3-1 decision vs Daniel Close (MSU) | 13-9 MSU - 190125mke-0067
The Guillotine:
165: Logan Saltou (MSU) wins a 7-3 decision vs Kegen Fingalsen (SMSU) | 16-9 - 190125mke-0073
The Guillotine:
184: Trevor Turriff (MSU) wins a 6-5 decision vs Griffin Osing (SMSU) | 22-9 MSU - 190125mke-0092
The Guillotine:
184: Trevor Turriff (MSU) wins a 6-5 decision vs Griffin Osing (SMSU) | 22-9 MSU - 190125mke-0095
The Guillotine:
174: Zach Johnston (MSU) wins a 7-4 decision vs Dru Kuchenbaker (SMSU) | 19-9 MSU - 190125mke-0090