MNFischer: Facade of an abandoned Home
MNFischer: Facade of an abandoned Home
MNFischer: Bathhouse for the Working People
MNFischer: Caution is the best Accident Prevention
MNFischer: "Tidiness and Cleanliness at Place of Work decrease the Risk of Accidents"
MNFischer: "Pre-Acquisition and Point of Acceptance for Eggs"
MNFischer: Old factory
MNFischer: Wismar
MNFischer: Cat at the Ice Cream Parlour
MNFischer: Crane
MNFischer: St. Nikolai Church, Wismar
MNFischer: Old Edeka facade and St. Nikolai Church
MNFischer: Sunbath
MNFischer: Meeting Point: Old Town
MNFischer: Who am I?