Richard and Michael: The winery #1
Richard and Michael: A Day on the Green
Richard and Michael: Richard Clapton
Richard and Michael: Concert crowd
Richard and Michael: Sharon and Charlotte
Richard and Michael: Richard Clapton
Richard and Michael: Concert stage #1
Richard and Michael: Concert crowd
Richard and Michael: Concert stage #2
Richard and Michael: Concert crowd and stormy skies
Richard and Michael: It's raining!
Richard and Michael: Friends of Sharon and Charlotte
Richard and Michael: More crowd and winery
Richard and Michael: Mark Seymour and the concert crowd
Richard and Michael: Sharon, Charlotte and Me
Richard and Michael: Rainbows #1
Richard and Michael: Rainbows #2
Richard and Michael: Rainbows over Rochford
Richard and Michael: Rainbows end
Richard and Michael: Doc Neeson from the Angels
Richard and Michael: Like the T-shirt!
Richard and Michael: Doc Neeson from the Angels
Richard and Michael: A great sky #1
Richard and Michael: A great sky #2