Staciaann Photography: Cat's eye view of the backyard
Staciaann Photography: Cabin fever!
Staciaann Photography: Neighbors trying to get their car out
Staciaann Photography: Carl shoveling
Staciaann Photography: My (blurry) snow wear
Staciaann Photography: Carl coming inside after shoveling
Staciaann Photography: Tools of the trade
Staciaann Photography: Carl tromping down the sidewalk
Staciaann Photography: Our upstairs neighbors' car
Staciaann Photography: Carl takes a breather
Staciaann Photography: Puppy outside Butter
Staciaann Photography: Found cat with flappy tummy
Staciaann Photography: Hmmm... what is this from?
Staciaann Photography: Ah ha! Attemping snowshoes in South Mpls
Staciaann Photography: Your car is now a hearse