marknassal: An Open Bible sits above a bolder reading Street as a burial monument
marknassal: James Cook Ayer burial monument with sad human eyes
marknassal: Two enormous sculptures of books with the inscription Joseph Baker and Mary Markham stand as memorials
marknassal: A woman takes a selfie of herself and a Victorian monument
marknassal: Classic stone cemetery chapel glistening in late day sunshine
marknassal: Veterans gravestones adorned with American flags in rows stand before a large canon
marknassal: An angel in deep sadness weeps for the loss of the namesake of the cemetery memorial
marknassal: Women relaxes in a graveyard under the warm autumn sun
marknassal: John Cowley Monument with a row of historic gravestones in the foreground
marknassal: A stone sculpted Holy Bible lays open on to of a grave marker
marknassal: The vintage Witch Bonney monument glowing in fall light