marknassal: Give me a hand
marknassal: Women and diversity in the park
marknassal: Victorian China doll holds court in a storefront window
marknassal: Rogers - Industrial age streets of Lowell
marknassal: Guitar Duo
marknassal: James B. Hand BW
marknassal: tree and boat 2
marknassal: abandoned factory 2
marknassal: Art Shop 1
marknassal: Nutes Trading Post 4
marknassal: Soda Jerk
marknassal: Gelato
marknassal: Welcome 2
marknassal: Passenger car
marknassal: Roundhouse
marknassal: Conway Scenic Railway 2
marknassal: Tent on stilts 2
marknassal: Vacation Resedence
marknassal: Baker Monument in the Lowell Cemetary
marknassal: Young trainer and her calf
marknassal: Envisioning of Pumpkinhead at fair 2r
marknassal: Pumpkin women with wings
marknassal: Envisioning of Pumpkinhead at fair
marknassal: A white sheep is lead from its metal pen on way to a competition
marknassal: A surprised moment at the fair
marknassal: Making friends at the country fair
marknassal: Children pet sheep as they walk through barn
marknassal: Women waits with her sheep after a competion
marknassal: A judge inspects a row of sheep in a barn
marknassal: Man in Cowboy had leads his sheep to the judge