Malay Nandy:
Malay Nandy:
Egyptian duck
Malay Nandy:
Lion walking past tree
Malay Nandy:
Lion quenching thirst
Malay Nandy:
Vulture in early morning sun
Malay Nandy:
Elephant suckling young
Malay Nandy:
Malay Nandy:
White bellied bustard
Malay Nandy:
White bellied bustard with young
Malay Nandy:
Wilder-beasts in tens of thousands
Malay Nandy:
Lioness resting
Malay Nandy:
Lioness looking for prey
Malay Nandy:
Lioness with cub - a playful moment
Malay Nandy:
Lioness and her cubs
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah relaxing in a drizzle
Malay Nandy:
Lioness with cubs
Malay Nandy:
Lioness communicating with cub
Malay Nandy:
Lioness - first time mother
Malay Nandy:
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah vigilant with kill
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah enjoying meal
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah potrait
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah draging kill
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah with kill
Malay Nandy:
Mating Pair of lions_2
Malay Nandy:
Mating Pair of Lions_3
Malay Nandy:
Cheetah in rain
Malay Nandy:
Mother Lioness
Malay Nandy:
Malay Nandy:
Lioness - Preparations for the day ahead