mm yu: blue , red, yellow, green
mm yu: pick a flower
mm yu: forgotten carousel
mm yu: old 2006
mm yu: grass boating
mm yu: hills
mm yu: hills II
mm yu: waste not, want not
mm yu: floating things
mm yu: make a statue face
mm yu: yummy manggo
mm yu: bawal umihi in casserol
mm yu: nothing wasted
mm yu: dog sells drawings of master
mm yu: frigidaire
mm yu: girl
mm yu: runaway tractor2007
mm yu: this is the life
mm yu: runaway tractor 2007
mm yu: MSY_Photo4-5
mm yu: stilts
mm yu: greatgrand
mm yu: then and now
mm yu: DSC_1098
mm yu: balloons to go up to heaven
mm yu: Slide165
mm yu: Slide174
mm yu: lotus plates
mm yu: dr-wash-ass-2006
mm yu: Slide164