mm yu: homage to sid gomez hildawa
mm yu: shadow of the waxwing slain
mm yu: the drawing of a single line is full of adventure
mm yu: talk trees
mm yu: DSC_5470
mm yu: a blow to the solar plexus
mm yu: DSC_5468
mm yu: (untitled)( divinities)
mm yu: such small hands
mm yu: the compulsion towards the improbable
mm yu: weapons of mass destruction
mm yu: a simple case of arm robbery
mm yu: DSC_5491
mm yu: DSC_5496
mm yu: DSC_5497
mm yu: DSC_5500
mm yu: DSC_5502
mm yu: DSC_5505
mm yu: DSC_5490
mm yu: DSC_5643
mm yu: DSC_5614