matt.mmwine: BB - Buds on the vines
matt.mmwine: BB - Block of Grapes at Hahn
matt.mmwine: BB - Hahn Tasting Room
matt.mmwine: BB - Setting Up
matt.mmwine: BB - New Vines
matt.mmwine: BB - Russ Bebe at the top of the Block
matt.mmwine: BB - Paul Clifton toasting
matt.mmwine: BB- Tim, Liza and Alexandra
matt.mmwine: DSC_1145
matt.mmwine: BB - Philip Woodrow atop the blogger blog
matt.mmwine: BB - Note Paul's prep for the photo
matt.mmwine: BB - A toast - to Hardy's vine!
matt.mmwine: BB - Photo of the Bloggers with vines only
matt.mmwine: BB - Gorgeous view atop the Blogger Block
matt.mmwine: BB - Andy tells us about the vineyard at Hahn
matt.mmwine: BB - Andy tells us about the soils at Hahn Winery
matt.mmwine: BB - Jason taking photos atop Hahn Vineyards
matt.mmwine: BB - View from Hahn of Pinnacle
matt.mmwine: BB - More Grapevines at hahn
matt.mmwine: BB - Grape Leaves
matt.mmwine: BB - Vines at Hahn
matt.mmwine: BB - Buds at Hahn
matt.mmwine: BB - Touring the Avacados
matt.mmwine: BB - Avacado Buds
matt.mmwine: BB - Paul Clifton admiring the Avacados