MMU Visual Resources:
Starting the new building, April 2011
MMU Visual Resources:
Starting the new building, April 2011
MMU Visual Resources:
Chatham Tower, June 2011
MMU Visual Resources:
Chatham Tower, September 2011
MMU Visual Resources:
New Building, September 2011
MMU Visual Resources:
New building under construction, November 2011
MMU Visual Resources:
Refurbishment of Chatham Building
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
Lift Shafts
MMU Visual Resources:
LIft Shaft
MMU Visual Resources:
Ground floor interior
MMU Visual Resources:
Ground floor interior
MMU Visual Resources:
Patterned Concrete Test Casting
MMU Visual Resources:
Patterned Concrete Column
MMU Visual Resources:
Patterned Concrete
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
View over the site
MMU Visual Resources:
Top floor, Chatham
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
Interior of new building, January 2012
MMU Visual Resources:
New building under construction, January 2012
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
MMU Visual Resources:
New building under construction, February 2012
MMU Visual Resources:
New building under construction, February 2012
MMU Visual Resources:
New art school building under construction, February 2012
MMU Visual Resources:
New art school building under construction, February 2012
MMU Visual Resources:
New Art School, March 2012