mmpartee: Air New Zealand
mmpartee: Air New Zealand
mmpartee: Sean in the windowsill 2
mmpartee: Sean in the windowsill
mmpartee: tree!
mmpartee: the leader of our tribe
mmpartee: learning Maori customs
mmpartee: Bison is ready!
mmpartee: getting ready to go!
mmpartee: everything in yet?
mmpartee: loading up
mmpartee: house in Christchurch
mmpartee: our trusty transportation
mmpartee: Sean hams it up at our picnic
mmpartee: Sean hams it up at our picnic
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mmpartee: IMG_3187.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3188.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3189.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3190.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3191.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3192.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3193.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3194.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3195.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3196.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3219.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3218.JPG
mmpartee: IMG_3217.JPG