Flickmor: Dish washing in the Ganges
Flickmor: Kids playing in the Ganges
Flickmor: Some ceremony
Flickmor: Ganges ride
Flickmor: A Burning Ghat
Flickmor: Local kid at the mosque
Flickmor: Filling up
Flickmor: In Patiphur Sikri
Flickmor: Inside Patiphur Sikri's Halls
Flickmor: Taj perspective
Flickmor: Taj walls
Flickmor: The Taj
Flickmor: View from above - the Himalayas
Flickmor: Dancers in Leh
Flickmor: On the Leh-Kargil road
Flickmor: Lampa Express: going nowhere slowly!
Flickmor: Road from nowhere
Flickmor: Back of a typical truck
Flickmor: Lamayuru Monestary at sunrise
Flickmor: Lamayuru, Sunrise
Flickmor: Highest point on the road to Kargil
Flickmor: Local kids near the Pakistani border
Flickmor: Dust, fumes and scents
Flickmor: Camping: a spectator sport
Flickmor: Guests for breakfast
Flickmor: It smells!
Flickmor: Local Man
Flickmor: Hotel
Flickmor: A Glacier
Flickmor: A monk dude