mmmmmbreed: angel island; where german babies teethe on coke cans
mmmmmbreed: burgers halfsies; a lost credit card.
mmmmmbreed: car won't start; gone for help.
mmmmmbreed: POP! POP! POP!
mmmmmbreed: can't focus; too much kevlar.
mmmmmbreed: was he black? no he was japanese; no, no, no he was hispanic
mmmmmbreed: we have three perps; we don't need your help.
mmmmmbreed: we can't pass a gas tank thru the little window. uh... why?
mmmmmbreed: cab; boat.
mmmmmbreed: the eagle has landed; gas tank in the backpack... does it smell like gas in here?
mmmmmbreed: area is secured; can't cab in.
mmmmmbreed: called every tow company that google listed; no love.
mmmmmbreed: call the jesse; add more gas.
mmmmmbreed: go! go! go!
mmmmmbreed: call off the jesse!
mmmmmbreed: no cab, no cab, no cab; in the white limo; unused glassware; broken tv.
mmmmmbreed: what club did you go to tonight?.... club epic.