mmmmmbreed: i need to stop talking while i drive next to this trans am
mmmmmbreed: gold rush
mmmmmbreed: they even sell g-strings with their logo on em
mmmmmbreed: snowshine!
mmmmmbreed: snakes in a bathtub
mmmmmbreed: snakes on a couch
mmmmmbreed: the german tourists invade yosemite
mmmmmbreed: i said montana! i have always wanted to see MONTANA!
mmmmmbreed: snakes in calaveras
mmmmmbreed: If it seats 5 then we are set. We shall be the magnificent Five
mmmmmbreed: wah! mommy!
mmmmmbreed: oh, now you're just blowing smoke up me hole
mmmmmbreed: snow angels
mmmmmbreed: now i know why angelina shouldn't have more kids
mmmmmbreed: murphy dining
mmmmmbreed: good times to be had at the murphy library