_MaO_: The Shadow of a Leprechaun
_MaO_: All Stars in Green
_MaO_: Three shadows
_MaO_: Find your partner
_MaO_: Long shadows / Ombre lunghe
_MaO_: Life in green
_MaO_: Ready for Germany?
_MaO_: I'm the passenger...
_MaO_: Wonderland
_MaO_: Discobolus
_MaO_: Green Peppers
_MaO_: Invisible giant
_MaO_: Rest - Give me a life
_MaO_: Drawing and Sculpture
_MaO_: Irish Memories
_MaO_: A turtle
_MaO_: Urban Forest
_MaO_: Just arrived
_MaO_: Nature Springs
_MaO_: In quiete
_MaO_: We just need to be free (part 2)