Mira (on the wall): Aerial 01
Mira (on the wall): People 01
Mira (on the wall): People 02
Mira (on the wall): Security Guards 01
Mira (on the wall): Security Guards 02
Mira (on the wall): Putting up Flyers 02
Mira (on the wall): Conflicting signs?
Mira (on the wall): Putting up Flyers 06
Mira (on the wall): Putting up Flyers 05
Mira (on the wall): Lerner hall guard
Mira (on the wall): Lines to get in I
Mira (on the wall): Reading the flyers
Mira (on the wall): Interview II
Mira (on the wall): No war on Iran!
Mira (on the wall): How dare you?
Mira (on the wall): Stop war machines
Mira (on the wall): Democracy in Iran
Mira (on the wall): Ahmadinejad is not Iran
Mira (on the wall): Israeli flag
Mira (on the wall): Let's not Bomb II!
Mira (on the wall): Let's not Bomb!
Mira (on the wall): Say NO to a U.S. Attack on Iran!
Mira (on the wall): handing out stuff