@m.lartigue: softness everywhere
@m.lartigue: Flowers in love
@m.lartigue: Dandelion Field
@m.lartigue: every rose has its thorn
@m.lartigue: sunlight
@m.lartigue: yellow flowers
@m.lartigue: purple little flowers
@m.lartigue: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
@m.lartigue: adventure
@m.lartigue: cabin in the mountain
@m.lartigue: the power of colors
@m.lartigue: winter sky II
@m.lartigue: árbol de la abundancia
@m.lartigue: tree sap
@m.lartigue: flowers!
@m.lartigue: winter sky
@m.lartigue: The Garden of Live Flowers
@m.lartigue: Little big treasure