mmechtley: An original NES Power Glove
mmechtley: ADXL330 3-axis accelerometer
mmechtley: BlueSMiRF Silver
mmechtley: CD74HC4067 Analog/Digital MUX
mmechtley: Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V
mmechtley: Arduino Diecimilla
mmechtley: Pin headers and Berg connectors
mmechtley: 100kΩ resistor
mmechtley: Li-Po batteries. Got a backup since Maker Faire will be a long time to be on!
mmechtley: Richard Dean Anderson, for inspiration
mmechtley: Original palm board
mmechtley: Original palm board
mmechtley: Original palm board
mmechtley: Original palm board closeup -- note that the traces are labeled with the fingers
mmechtley: Wrist board cut marked
mmechtley: Palm board cut marked
mmechtley: Cut wrist board -- I've left only the area with the standard NES buttons.
mmechtley: Cut palm board -- I've left only the area with the bend sensors and their diodes
mmechtley: Attaching prototyping wires to the wrist board
mmechtley: Accelerometer in place for prototyping
mmechtley: Opening the palm housing -- screws
mmechtley: Opening the plam housing -- screws
mmechtley: Using a custom-cut ribbon cable to test Bluetooth
mmechtley: Ribbon cable from an old floppy drive, for cutting our own ribbon cables
mmechtley: Testing setup -- I've used a breadboard and the Diecimilla for prototyping
mmechtley: Testing -- connections between the breadboard and Arduino Diecimilla
mmechtley: Testing -- flags on the pushbutton wires
mmechtley: Testing -- note the resistor used for the bend sensor voltage divider circuit
mmechtley: All components placed in the palm housing
mmechtley: I cut a small piece of card to cover the unused programming buttons, so they wouldn't push against components inside