mmechtley: Alcoscan AL2500 Breathalyzer
mmechtley: Board, back. Simple AVR microcontroller with sensor as an analog input and LCD as digital outputs
mmechtley: Board, front. Note the connectors for the LCD, which are nice and big
mmechtley: Mapping out which pins control which LCD segments
mmechtley: Pin cross reference for AVR microcontroller and LCD
mmechtley: Test wire ("Wait" indicator) connected to Arduino
mmechtley: You only need to observe five segments of a seven-segment display to know which number is displayed
mmechtley: Soldering more wires - first digit done
mmechtley: Soldering more wires - first digit done
mmechtley: Completed breathalyzer to arduino interface
mmechtley: Waiting for the player to use the breathalyzer
mmechtley: Playing while not drunk
mmechtley: Playing with Player 1 significantly drunk