mmechtley: View from Idaho Road on the way there - we're going all the way to the top!
mmechtley: From the parking lot - the northern side is near
mmechtley: The thing that looks like a giant ship prow in the background is where we're headed
mmechtley: The path leading up to the base
mmechtley: One of the mountain's buttresses
mmechtley: Things were looking quite green owing to the rain this winter
mmechtley: This island of rock is off by itself, away from the primary massif
mmechtley: Pretty sheer cliff face near the bottom
mmechtley: The lone rock island from farther up the path
mmechtley: The view up the trail, our goal is now in the background on the right
mmechtley: Running water, how quaint!
mmechtley: The water had made the area around it extremely green
mmechtley: Desert moss is pretty novel!
mmechtley: Half-pipe shaped area - we've been told it's absolutely raging with water during rains
mmechtley: It's been pretty cold at night - with the elevation and this area being shaded from sun, there was ice at noon!
mmechtley: More ice, frozen mid-flow
mmechtley: More frozen rivulets
mmechtley: It looks like frosting on a cake! Mmm, cake!
mmechtley: The ridge north of us as we're climbing - this is still the lower of the two tiers of the mountain
mmechtley: More of the north ridge
mmechtley: Dan in front of a hoodoo-like structure
mmechtley: A view back down the trail from about a third of the way up
mmechtley: Looking up - the trail follows the gulley in the middle where the trees are
mmechtley: Another gully north of the trail
mmechtley: End of the northern ridge
mmechtley: More icy streams
mmechtley: Looking down - some of the areas up here are pretty craggy
mmechtley: Looking up a rocky segment
mmechtley: Looking back from near the elevation of the first tier of the mountain
mmechtley: Another sheer cliff face on the north side of the trail