mmeastman: Common Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) sitting in the sun
mmeastman: Wild Burro Close-up
mmeastman: Wild Burro Love
mmeastman: Texas Antelope Squirrel (Ammospermophilus interpres)
mmeastman: Javelina and young (Collared Peccary) "Peccary angulatus"
mmeastman: Mule Deer Buck eating Gray Oak
mmeastman: White-tail Doe and Fawn
mmeastman: Common Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) on the prowl.
mmeastman: Pronghorns resting...
mmeastman: Young Raccoons
mmeastman: Bobcat
mmeastman: Bobcat
mmeastman: Male Antelope
mmeastman: Coyote
mmeastman: Day 348 - Coyote
mmeastman: Day 320 - Troublemaker
mmeastman: Day 283 - Rock Squirrel
mmeastman: Day 282 - Grass is greener...
mmeastman: Day 273 - Happy Birthday Rosie
mmeastman: Day 271 - Cat
mmeastman: Day 212 - Young Desert Cottontail
mmeastman: Day 206 - My Cat
mmeastman: Day 158 - Shelter Dog
mmeastman: Day 156 - Red the Cat
mmeastman: Day 9 - Wild Burros
mmeastman: Bobcat (Lynx rufus)
mmeastman: Bobcat on the alert (Lynx rufus)
mmeastman: Bobcat (Lynx rufus)
mmeastman: 253-365 (9-9) Red
mmeastman: Chillin'