mmcheng: The Tacojournalism God himself, serving up street tacos
mmcheng: Fantastic tacos
mmcheng: IMG_6254
mmcheng: Sour Sorrel Soup
mmcheng: IMG_6284
mmcheng: Sweetbreads
mmcheng: Applewood Smoked Bacon Cheddar Scones
mmcheng: Homemade Pate
mmcheng: The most amazing lamb stew ever ever ever
mmcheng: What remains of Shuggie's shrimp grits
mmcheng: Cherry Blossom Rice
mmcheng: Lavender Bread (Curry Coconut Chocolate Cookies in Background)
mmcheng: Samosas
mmcheng: Eclairs with Earl Grey Tea Flavored Cream Filling
mmcheng: Cupcake!
mmcheng: Passle o' Cupcakes
mmcheng: IMG_6297.JPG
mmcheng: IMG_6263.JPG
mmcheng: IMG_6252.JPG
mmcheng: The Soup Peddler & SP Jr.
mmcheng: IMG_6260.JPG
mmcheng: Penny & Mando
mmcheng: Penny & Mando
mmcheng: IMG_6267.JPG
mmcheng: IMG_6268.JPG
mmcheng: IMG_6271.JPG
mmcheng: IMG_6273.JPG
mmcheng: Penny
mmcheng: IMG_6275.JPG
mmcheng: IMG_6276.JPG