mmahaffie: Graduation time.
mmahaffie: Colleen graduates, Cum Laude no less.
mmahaffie: Graduates
mmahaffie: Ready for the Villanova College of Liberal Arts & Sciences diploma ceremony.
mmahaffie: The entrance of the graduates.
mmahaffie: Baccalaureate service.
mmahaffie: Colleen and Frankie.
mmahaffie: Ready...
mmahaffie: Empty seats
mmahaffie: Waiting for graduates
mmahaffie: Diploma ceremony
mmahaffie: Graduated
mmahaffie: Through a screen
mmahaffie: The classic view of St. Thomas of Villanova
mmahaffie: on campus
mmahaffie: St. Thomas of Villanova
mmahaffie: chapel detail
mmahaffie: chairs
mmahaffie: steeples
mmahaffie: a grove