mmahaffie: Sec. Lillian Lowery
mmahaffie: photographer
mmahaffie: Sen. Tom Carper
mmahaffie: Enter the Count
mmahaffie: Sen. Carper with Muppets
mmahaffie: photographing a muppet
mmahaffie: fish eye
mmahaffie: Sen. Carper on TV 2
mmahaffie: Sen. Carper on TV 1
mmahaffie: tony miller
mmahaffie: photographer and photographed
mmahaffie: Dir. Groves
mmahaffie: Gov. Jack Markell
mmahaffie: Gov. Markell explains
mmahaffie: Gov. Markell
mmahaffie: cameras
mmahaffie: Sec. Lillian Lowery
mmahaffie: count and leaders
mmahaffie: Leaders 4
mmahaffie: Leaders 3
mmahaffie: Leaders 2
mmahaffie: leaders 1
mmahaffie: Gov. and Count
mmahaffie: Matt and Zach Denn with The Count
mmahaffie: let's take a picture
mmahaffie: childhood dream?
mmahaffie: Sen. Carper and count
mmahaffie: Sen. Carper with a teacher
mmahaffie: cellphone
mmahaffie: camera