Michelle MM2: Looking toward Larabee, etc...
Michelle MM2: Mountaineers Lodge
Michelle MM2: Snow camping outside the lodge
Michelle MM2: Our group getting ready on first morning
Michelle MM2: An avy debris field and the slide path above it
Michelle MM2: Oyvind and Loren preparing a demo - check out the lines above them
Michelle MM2: 1 - Loren on the becon, Oyvind listening and preparing
Michelle MM2: 2 - Oyvind shedding gear and getting probe/shovel
Michelle MM2: 3 - Oyvind deploying probe, Loren zeroing in on buried beacon
Michelle MM2: 4 - Oyvind probing snow for 'body', Loren preparing himself to dig (shedding gear, getting shovel)
Michelle MM2: 5 - Dig, Dig, and Dig efficiently... the clock is ticking for the buried subject
Michelle MM2: Group hiking further into Bagley Lakes
Michelle MM2: A small slide, with ski tracks leading to it.
Michelle MM2: Miyabi and Scott with Table Mountain up ahead
Michelle MM2: Look at those lovely lines, coming from Herman Saddle
Michelle MM2: Stellar day for this course
Michelle MM2: Sunlight and slope angles... nature's art
Michelle MM2: Another group practicing
Michelle MM2: Bagley lakes and Herman Saddle area
Michelle MM2: Oyvind demonstrating avy pit and assessing layers
Michelle MM2: Scott in our pit, discussing the layers
Michelle MM2: Visitor Center, closed for the winter, always makes a great photo
Michelle MM2: Group on Morning 2, discussing conditions
Michelle MM2: Visitor Center and Herman Saddle
Michelle MM2: Scraping the surface hoar to examine it
Michelle MM2: Miyabi examining the surface hoar with a lens
Michelle MM2: Happy Miyabi with group
Michelle MM2: Loren explaining how to assess the snow with a quick sweep of the hand and some poking around
Michelle MM2: Sun in the face, snow under-feet, and it's a lovely day
Michelle MM2: This view never gets old