Michelle MM2: breakwater at Port Hartley
Michelle MM2: Lighthouse on a foggy day
Michelle MM2: calm waters in forgot it's name cove
Michelle MM2: Cove shores
Michelle MM2: Mike kayaking
Michelle MM2: Lauri kayaking
Michelle MM2: Former Cannery Community - Butte, CA
Michelle MM2: Butte may be past it's prime, but is still valued by boaters
Michelle MM2: Wildelife outside of Butte
Michelle MM2: Butte, a relic port
Michelle MM2: relic pilings at Butte
Michelle MM2: on-boat baking
Michelle MM2: Lauri shooting some views
Michelle MM2: Port Hartley view from dock
Michelle MM2: under the upper docks
Michelle MM2: view of marina at Port Hartley
Michelle MM2: breakwater - Port Hartley
Michelle MM2: Port Hartley - boardwalk town
Michelle MM2: woof woof
Michelle MM2: we girls are the same everywhere
Michelle MM2: line art
Michelle MM2: ready for work
Michelle MM2: it's art
Michelle MM2: folk are welcoming in Port Hartley
Michelle MM2: Port Hartley - ready for a home
Michelle MM2: Port Hartley Marina
Michelle MM2: walking back to boat after a day in Port Hartley
Michelle MM2: sunshine and rainbows in Port Hartley
Michelle MM2: Port Hartley Relfections
Michelle MM2: awesome scooter