Michelle MM2: roadside
Michelle MM2: classic
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011 - staging
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011 Starting Line
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp Angels
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011- Team Bosom Buddies!
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011- ready to go go go
Michelle MM2: sweet...
Michelle MM2: MaryAnn and Marcelle
Michelle MM2: Lady and her Dog
Michelle MM2: On the trail
Michelle MM2: more Classic
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011-14
Michelle MM2: and then the weather moved in...
Michelle MM2: Nice...
Michelle MM2: go team
Michelle MM2: After-Weather Glow
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011-Finishing Line
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011-21
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011- Finishing
Michelle MM2: MaryAnn - Victory Smile
Michelle MM2: cool random dog
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011- finished
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011-tent gathering area
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011-Tubbs array of demos
Michelle MM2: Romp to Stomp 2011- Marcelle's booty (prizes that is)
Michelle MM2: nothin' like a find hot drink after a long day at work