Michelle MM2: VickyMommy CampSite - Day 1
Michelle MM2: VickyMommy CampSite - Day 2
Michelle MM2: Vicky Chatting with Olliver
Michelle MM2: "Beach Logs KILL!"
Michelle MM2: cool beach bird action
Michelle MM2: Vicky and Chowzer, awe
Michelle MM2: hug da pup on Kalaloch Beach
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach - Chowzer sees Trixie
Michelle MM2: Chowzer - Happy Pup
Michelle MM2: flight
Michelle MM2: windblown beach
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach, from the beach floor
Michelle MM2: It's Art!
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach - sunsetting
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach - sunset view
Michelle MM2: Sand Castles - It's Art
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach - sunset walk
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach - people watching sunset
Michelle MM2: Kalaloch Beach - sunset sky
Michelle MM2: windblown
Michelle MM2: Ruby Beach
Michelle MM2: Ruby Beach peeking around rocks
Michelle MM2: Ruby Beach, Chowzer's view
Michelle MM2: Napping on Ruby Beach Beach
Michelle MM2: Ruby Beach peeking through rocks
Michelle MM2: The beach rocks (get it... 'rocks'...)
Michelle MM2: Rock Art at Ruby Beach
Michelle MM2: Ruby Beach - twin rocks
Michelle MM2: VickyMommy CampSite