maria stoller: Reflecting on an Observation
maria stoller: Reflecting on an Observation
maria stoller: Reflecting on an Observation
maria stoller: The Fascination of Emotion-detail2
maria stoller: The Fascination of Emotion-detail3
maria stoller: The Fascination of Emotion-detail1
maria stoller: The Fascination of Emotion
maria stoller: Thread sketch
maria stoller: Thread sketch
maria stoller: Thread Sketch
maria stoller: Thread Sketch
maria stoller: Stitching a stone wall
maria stoller: Thread Sketch on Organza
maria stoller: A Single Step - detail
maria stoller: Thread sketch
maria stoller: Thread sketch
maria stoller: IMG_3317
maria stoller: IMG_3316
maria stoller: IMG_3315
maria stoller: Thread sketch
maria stoller: Thread sketch
maria stoller: enduring
maria stoller: arrogance
maria stoller: Thread Sketch
maria stoller: confusion
maria stoller: Thread sketch