mlretter: 1st cycle Glaucous Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Glaucous Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Glaucous Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Thayer's Gull
mlretter: adult Thayer's Gull
mlretter: adult Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Lesser Black-backed Gull
mlretter: odd 1st cycle Herring Gull
mlretter: 2nd cycle Glaucous Gull
mlretter: 2nd cycle Glaucous Gull
mlretter: 2nd cycle Nelson's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's (back center) and 1st cycle Glaucous (front center) Gulls
mlretter: pair of 1st cycle Kumlien's Gulls
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: 1st cycle Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Kumlien's Gull
mlretter: adult Thayer's Gull with pale eye
mlretter: adult Thayer's Gull