mlp52: Silly Boat Regatta. Proceeds go to the Child Development Centre._0626
mlp52: Silly Boat race - 0573aa
mlp52: Canada's Outdoor Outfitter_0574
mlp52: IMG_0576
mlp52: IMG_0578
mlp52: Pedal power seems to be working well. _0579
mlp52: IMG_0580
mlp52: IMG_0581
mlp52: IMG_0582
mlp52: I think this was my favourite silly boat._0583
mlp52: The crowd._0584
mlp52: Looks like some of these silly boats are overloaded. More fun though._0585
mlp52: The little two-man boat didn't fare too well._0586
mlp52: The Port Authority boat._0588
mlp52: IMG_0589
mlp52: Unfortunately, Mercedes Benz came in last in their heat._0590
mlp52: IMG_0591
mlp52: 3-manpower outboard seems to be doing the trick._0592
mlp52: Having difficulties._0593
mlp52: The two man craft is on it's way back and paper sail is still in the shallows._0594
mlp52: The Child Development Centre boat all decked out._0597
mlp52: Quality Foods giving the others some competition ._0598
mlp52: IMG_0601
mlp52: Quality Foods comes in first in their heat._0602
mlp52: Jumping out to ring that bell._0603
mlp52: IMG_0604
mlp52: The Mighty Angus lost a wheel on the other side. _0605
mlp52: IMG_0606
mlp52: Child Development Centre silly boat decked out with balloons._0607
mlp52: Looks a bit top heavy???_0608