mlp52: Geese at the Forks.
mlp52: The Forks-where the Red and Assiniboine Rivers meet. These rivers freeze over in the winter.
mlp52: Walkway - The Forks, Winnipeg
mlp52: Oodena Celebration Circle
mlp52: Oodena Celebration Circle, The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba
mlp52: Aztec Sun stone
mlp52: Historic rail bridge converted to a pedestrian walkway over the Assinaboine River.
mlp52: Absolutely delicious food.
mlp52: Ominous looking clouds ahead.
mlp52: I can't remember where this was.
mlp52: Prairie.
mlp52: Another windswept plain.
mlp52: Although not as crisp as I'd like it to be, I do like this one with it's dramatic sky.
mlp52: Snowing outside
mlp52: Snowing outside
mlp52: Can anyone from the prairies explain this to me? Is the house sinking or is it built low to the ground?
mlp52: Marsh or river on the prairies.
mlp52: Just can't resist those dramatic skies.
mlp52: Trains passing in the late afternoon.
mlp52: Getting close to the foothills
mlp52: Snowing outside
mlp52: I think this is Wabamun Lake.
mlp52: I think this is Wabamun Lake.
mlp52: The snow swishes off the track as the train passes through.
mlp52: Another river we went over in the first stages of freezing over.
mlp52: A little river
mlp52: The train slowed down over this river so we could take pictures.
mlp52: Snowing in the foothills
mlp52: The train slowed down over this river so we could take pictures.
mlp52: The train slowed down over this river so we could take pictures.